Mercedes-Benz Gives Glimpse of the Future of Today’s Driving

Mercedes-Benz showed off its vision of the future of driving in the recently concluded International Consumer Electronic Show held at Las Vegas.
Mercedes-Bens has shared how in the future icons flashing on car’s windshields and by simply pointing a hand at them the icons open to show real-time information as what’s happening around the place where the car is. 
Vera Schmidt, user-interface designer for Mercedes-Benz said that this kind of gesture is very intuitive and it’s very natural. Vera Schmidt; who led the demonstration of the technology has added that by simply pointing at something, you get what you still want to know.
Although the technology is still raw and it will take at least seven years before actually finding its way into Mercedes automobiles but it is a proof that car makers are keen on having an eye on the future of cars running down the road. Mercedes is currently embarking its own computer innovations by way of introducing dashboards touch screens with voice-control interface.
On the other hand, Venkatesh Prasad, Ford’s senior technical leader on innovations has admitted that cars are now becoming the platform in digital wars among automakers. The concerns lie on the hazards of distracted -driving and how automakers should be walking between the fine lines of convenience and safety. Automakers engineers are focusing on simplifying the interface to cut down seconds of driver’s distractions away from driving. Moreover, Julius Marchwicki , Ford’s product manager pointed out that their technology is voice-powered and keeps the driver’s eye on the road and hands on the wheel.
However Sascha Simon who heads Mercedes’ advance product planning confessed that Mercedes has determined which apps should and should not be in the car. She said that they have integrated these apps in a way that they could be relevant to drivers.
She demonstrated how a driver running late and can’t text or phone, through Mercedes messaging app, a pre-created menu based on locations will be displayed on the screen and thus focus on the road will not be an issue. In addition Dieter Zetsche , Mercedes car head said in a keynote speech at International Consumer Electronic Show that Mercedes-Benz is working on a new generation of automobiles that will serve as the future digital companion; a companion that will learn drivers’ habits, adapts to their choices, predicts their moves and even interact with their social network.
With these advancements, this hyper- digital world will surely conquer the future of today’s driving.