Car Alarms and Other Anti-theft Systems

With the ever increasing number of stolen cars everyday, it is imperative to take on new measures to safeguard our most priced vehicles. While most car thieves are good at what they do, it’s still nice to use a thing or two of the anti-theft systems to be able to sleep at night soundly and more securely.  Nowadays, many sophisticated safety measures are being offered by aftermarket manufacturers, each are designed to provide utmost protection and extreme safety to your beloved vehicles.

One of the most common anti theft system that car owners use is the car alarms – a device designed to alert the owner of the vehicle whenever there’s a breach of security. In case of a threat or malicious intents, the car alarm system emits a loud noise, releasing a blaring siren at 120 db or more. Some of the malicious intents that the system recognizes as threats include destruction of the window glass and windshield, forceful entry, tampering of the key hole, and direct violations in the perimeter.

Putting on car alarm is a wise move, for one thing, it will be easier to sleep or do your daily business if you know that your vehicles are safe and undisturbed however, you also have to consider the possibility of false threats that could cause your system to alarm repeatedly even without deliberate assault. Some alarm sensors are very sensitive that they detect even the slightest accidental bumps causing the nearby surroundings to be disturbed unintentionally. To prevent this case from happening you have to carefully choose the type of alarm system that you will purchase, most car alarms nowadays are more intelligently done using the modern electronic system and it can easily determine the difference of harmless bumps from intentional breaching.

Another car safety system designed to protect your vehicle against trespassers are immobilizers. Designed to deliberately lock the vehicles, the immobilizers are one of the best development in car electronics. The most common type from this range is the mechanical immobilizer – a lock system that can be attached to the steering wheel so that the car will be immobile for a period of time. Electronic immobilizers are also fast becoming popular especially for contemporary vehicles; this thing protects the whole car using the built- in chips attached to the keys and to the fobs that emit signals to the vehicle’s ignition and fuel pump – during break-ins the car will not start without these signals thus rendering the vehicle totally useless.

The more advanced vehicle tracking system is also being used today; this application is used so that even if the burglar was able to drive-off the vehicle the technology can easily be able to track and recover the vehicle using the (VIN) vehicle identification number engraved to the window or windshield of the car.